
Inauguration Exercises at Columbia College.

Hon. Seth Low will be inaugurated as President of Columbia college at half-past ten o'clock on Monday morning, February 3d. The programme will be as follows:

Overture, introduction to Act III., "Meistersinger," (Wagner), orchestra.

Processional, Grand Marshal George G. DeWitt, jr., class of 1867.

Prayer, Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, S. T. D., chaplain of Columbia college.

Address on behalf of the trustees Rev. Morgan Dix, S. T. D., D. C. L.


The installation, address by the Hon. Hamilton Fish, LL. D, chairman of the board of trustees.

Reply by the president.

"Dance of the Blessed Spirits," from "Orpheus," (Gluck). orchestra.

Address on behalf of the faculties, Professor Henry Drisier, LL. D.

Address on behalf of the alumni, Frederic R. Coudert, LL. D., class of 1850, and president of the Alumni association.

Reply of the president.

Air on G string (Bach), orchestra.

President's inaugural address.

Benediction, Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., LL. D, Bishop of New York.

March from "The Ruins of Athens," (Beethoven), orchestra.

President Harrison and his cabinet have been invited, like wise the presidents of Harvard, Yale, Princeton Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, and many smaller colleges. A great deal of time has been spent on the affair and a very brilliant occasion is expected.
