
Bowdoin Prizes, 1889-90.

The following prizes have been awarded:

I.To Charles Warren, of the class of 1889, a prize of $100 for a dissertation on "Jefferson as a Country Gentleman."

II.To Henry Barrett Learned, of the Senior class, a prize of $75 for a dissertation entitled "A critical study of the writings of Matthew Arnold."


To Frank Lincoln Olmsted, of the Senior class, a prize of $50 for a dissertation on "The Story of the Armada."

To Hugh Tallant, of the Junior class, a prize of $50 for a dissertation on the question: "Have any essential modifications been wrought in our metaphysical and ethic 1 ideas by the doctrine of evolution?"

III.To Charles Burton Gulick, of the class of 1890, a prize of $75 for a translation into Attic prose.

No dissertations were offered in class III. (a), nor in class IV.

JUDGES.On literary, philosophical, and historical subjects: Professor Wendell, John Fiske, Esq., Josiah Quincy, Esq.

On classical translations: Professor Allen, Dr. Morgan, A. L. K. Volkmann, Esq.
