
A Graduate's Opinion.

The New Athletic Rules Criticized.

The Boston Herald prints a very strong protest from an old graduate who takes a great deal of interest in Harvard athletics, against the recent regulations passed by the Athletic Committee. He says that by their action they have hurt Harvard greatly in obliging her to take such an unfortunate stand and have made her the laughing stock of Yale and Princeton. The making of such regulations, would after a victory have been foolish, but after defeat they are more nearly disgraceful. He further says that the spirit of interference shown by the faculty is very detrimental to the welfare from an athletic point of view and is particularly unfortunate just at the present time, coming as it does when athletics at Harvard seem to have taken a new lease of life, and when such interest is manifested in them. The immediate result of these regulations, he says, will be to prevent Harvard from meeting Princeton in the ball field unless Princeton is willing to play in Cambridge, an entirely unlikely thing. Finally the graduate deplores the fact that, while at other colleges the men are allowed to manage their athletics to suit themselves, thus giving them an enthusiasm which goes far toward insuring victory, at Harvard with the brilliant athletic record she hied until within the last few years, the men should be hampered whichever way they turn, with the ultimate prospect of being obliged to withdraw from athletics altogether.
