The dividend to be paid to members is $1723.20. This divided among 261 members gives an average of nearly $2.77 per member.
The smallest dividend (that to members to whose account no profits were credited except their membership fees) is $0.58. The largest is $21.44.
The order of paying the dividends is determined by lot, 100 will be paid each week. Dividends payable this week number 400 to 500. Check will be sent.
The Society offers a high grade of work in copper plate engraving and printing. The present management ensures promptness at low prices.
The following may be found in the stationery department:
Mucilage in bottles with sponge top 10 cents.
Visiting cards and card envelopes.
Paper stamped from steel dies with dormitory, Harvard University and Harvard College headings.
Bury's patent window ventilator which admits fresh air and allows no draft.
Mark Twain's adhesive page scrap books.
Hair, cloth and hat brushes.
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