
Appleton Chapel.

From a text in John 14: xxix., Right Rev. T. U. Dudley, Bishop of Kentucky, chose last night the text, "My peace I give unto you." It was the Lord Jesus who said this, at the last supper with the disciples. What was this peace that Jesus had? Where did he get it? Was he exempt from human suffering? No. Was he indifferent to the opinion of mankind? No Did he have the enthusiasm of the fanatic? Such a man would not have been silent. Suffering the acutest agony a human being can endure, having before him the shame of a felon's death, unsupported by any blind enthusiasm or by the impulse of a multitude, his mind was full of peace. Why? Because he was sure of the approval of God. This peace of mind, this love of God, Christ left to his disciples and to the world. He left this and nothing more. He offered nothing more.

The choir sang the following selections: "Christ whose glory," "I will love Thee," "Like as the hart."
