
No Headline

A lecture was given yesterday afternoon by Mr. Huntington in place of usual laboratory work in Chemistry B.

There will be but six forthnightly themes in English 5 during the second half-year instead of eight as in English 12.

In Philosophy 3 work has already been begun for which members of the course will not be held responsible until the finals.

As only one candidate for the tug-of-war team was present at the meeting yesterday afternoon, no definite action was taken.

The attendance at recitations in all departments of the university during the past year was much better than in all previous years.


The Friday recitation in French 1 have been hitherto held by Professor Cohn; after the mid-years, however, Professors Bocher, Cohn, Sanders and Sumichrast will take charge in turn. Attention will be given to some of the masterpieces of French literature.

Trophies have been given to each member of the Princeton eleven who played in the championship games. The trophies are little gold foot balls, with "Championship, 1889," in black enamel letters on one side and the name of the recipient on the other.

It is probable that the new Yale gymnasium will be named "Richards' Gymnasium" in honor of Professor Richards, through whose untiring exertions the building was made a possibility. The idea meets with universal favor among-the students with when Professor Richards is very popular.
