
Special Notices.

Tutoring in Criminal law.

L. P. HOWLAND, 31 year, 27 Irving street.85 6

Tutoring in History 13, Pol. Econ. 1, and History 2.

GEO. P. FURBER. 54 Thayer.84 6

History 1, 10, 11, 12, 15, Philosophy 11, Political Economy 4, Fine Arts 4 Tutoring.


WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter hall.84 tf

Tutoring in Mathematics, French and Chemistry.

PERRY LAWTON, A. M., 25 Hollis hall.84 6teod

Tutoring in N. H. 2, 4, and 5. Apply to

H. P. JOHNSON, '89, 31 College house.83 6

Tutoring. Pol. Econ. 1 and 4; History 2 and 12; Phil. 11. Seminars.

W. ALEXANDER, '87, 24 Read's block.83 6

Tutoring in Natural History 2, with notes taken this year.

F. W. DEWART, '90, 12 Ash St. Place.86 3
