The annual question of a freshman race, though not yet come into prominence, will bear thus early a little reflection. A suggestion now may be timely. Columbia will of course request a freshman race, as will also Yale. That is to be taken for granted. The question, then, is of a choice between the two, since it is not likely our crew will consent to row a three cornered race. Now there seems to us no valid reason why Harvard should row Columbia this year. The record of Harvard-Columbia freshman races shows an easy superiority for Harvard. In addition to this our defeat of two years ago-the only special argument which Columbia can now pretend to urge-was completely wiped out by the victory of our freshman crew last year. There seems, therefore, no valid reason for a contest with Columbia next spring.
But there are still further reasons which deserve consideration in connection with this matter. There is, it seems to us, a general desire on the part of the faculty and students to restrict Harvard athletics. Here, then, is one opportunity to remove a possible bone of contention. If we confine our freshman race to Yale there will be less trouble in the future, less difficulty of management. We shall thus bring our athletics more upon their proper basis-as a feature, but not as the purpose, of our college life.
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