
Meeting of Riverside Athletic Club.

The second winter meeting of the Riverside Athletic club will be held in Belleville Avenue rink near Fourth Avenue, Newark, N. Y., Wednesday, January 22, 1890, at 8 p. m. The events open to amateurs (A. A. U. rules to govern all competitions), are six handicap events, viz., 50 yards, 250 yards, 880 yards and two mile runs, one mile walk, running high jump; also a novices' 300 yard scratch race (for those who have never won a prize in open competition) and lastly, an obstacle scratch race (open only to club members).

Gold medals to first and silver medals to second in each event. The entrance fee of fifty cents a man for each event must accompany each entry. The right to reject any entry is expressly reserved. Entries close January 15, 1890, with F. G. Abbott, secretary games committee, Riverside Athletic club, Newark, N. Y., or W. H. Robertson, 296 Broadway, New York city.

It is probable that a number of Yale and Princeton men will compete in this meeting. The handicapping will all be done by the official handicapper of the A. A. U.
