
Fact and Rumor.

The freshman Glee club is in need of one or two more first tenors.

The Book Buyer states that Mr. Barret Wendell is to publish his new novel in the early spring.

C. S. Thomdson '87 is in the Claim Department of the Illinois Central Railroad in Chicago.

Theme VI. in English B is due today instead of Thursday, January 16, as previously announced.

About twenty Harvard men formed the chorus at the service in the Grand Opera House last Sunday evening.


In Political Economy I Professor Taussig will continue his lectures on "Banking" until the mid-years.

All blue books for the mid-year examination in French A are to be handed in on or before Monday, January 20.

A 'varsity tug-of-war team will be organized at Cornell this year to compete with other college teams.

Professor H. N. Day, LL. D., of Yale died Saturday of pleurisy. He was graduated in the class of 1828, Yale.

The interscholastic football cup is now on exhibition at Leavitt and Peirce's and will be there until Thursday afternoon.

Those students in Professor Sumichrast's French courses, who wish to ascertain the result of the mid-year examination as soon as possible, can do so by placing in their blue books, addressed postal cards.

Professor Hunt has an article in the January issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economics on the Rise of American Cities.

W. E. Travis, ex. '92, is secretary of the Nevada, Oregon, and California Transportation Co., with headquarters in Chicago.

An election will be held February 1 to fill the vacancy in the Cambridge common council caused by the death of George W. Sawin.

An effort will be made at the annual dinner of the Yale alumni in New York to secure more subscriptions for the new gymnasium.

Mr. J. J. Hayes will read in Philadelphia next Wednesday, and in Chickering Hall, Boston, under the auspices of the Copley Square school, February 12, 19, and 26, and March 6.

Contrary to the usual custom in German 1a, the translation from English into German, on the mid-year paper will this year be based entirely on a series of thirty-three anecdotes memorized by the class during the term.

The Yale alumni of Brooklyn are preparing for their annual reunion and dinner to be held on Monday, February 3. The committee have secured as speakers several prominent alumni. Hon. D. J. Brewer, the new justice of the supreme court is expected to be present.

At the annual reunion and dinner of the Brown University club in New York last Friday evening it was announced that a movement is on foot to raise one hundred thousand dollars for the university. Thirty-five thousand has already been pledged, and it is expected that the remainder will be raised in a short time. The fund will known as the Professor Lincoln fund, Professor Lincoln being the oldest member of the faculty.

Dr. Hitchcock, director of the department of physical culture at Cornell, is preparing an illustrated work on in-door athletics. It will contain illustrations for which students will pose, of over a hundred positions in wrestling, boxing and fencing. He is also compiling a chart showing the physical proportions of young men. Statistics of measurements will be drawn from Yale, Amherst, Oberlin, Cornell and various colleges throughout the country.
