About forty men sat down to the third annual dinner of the St. Mark's Alumni association, at the Parker house Saturday evening. There were present as guests of the Association Mr. William E. Peck, head master of St. Mark's, and Mr. Warren A. Locke who was formerly a tutor in the school. After the dinner the president of the association Mr. M. H. Morgan welcomed the men and introduced the toastmaster, Dr. W. K. Post, '90. Toasts were responded to by Mr. Peck, Mr. Aspin wall, who attended the school when it was first founded, Mr. Fearing, Mr. Locke and Mr. Richards. The association has now something over one hundred members, who are scattered all over the country, a letter being read from one of the members at San Francisco. Very flattering reports were given of the progress of the school and in every way the evening passed of very pleasantly.
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