The Boston Athletic association will hold an invitation meeting at Mechanics hall, February 15, which is expected to be the greatest amateur tournament ever held in New England. All of the New York athletic clubs and the leading college athletic associations will send representatives. The list of events is: 50 yards run, 880 yards run, pole vault, 220 yards run, 1 mile run, 220 yards run over 2ft, 6in. hurdles, running high jump, throwing 56-pound weight, 440 yards run, 1 mile walk, putting 16-pound shot, tug-of-war of 650 pounds-4 men, 2 substitutes.
The officials of the meeting will be as follows: Referee-William B. Curtis, N. Y. A. C. Judges at finish-W. G. Schuyler, N. Y. A. C., A. C. Stevens, N. J. A. C., W. H. Goodwin, jr., B. A. A. Field judges-F. W. Janssen, S. I. A. C., Walton Storm, M. A. C., J. E. Sullivan, P. A. C., and secretary A. A. U., G. B. Morrison, B. A. A. Timekeepers-George Avery, N. A. C., J. G. Lathrop, Boston. Starter-William H. Robert on, New York. Official announcer-Fred W. Burns, P. A. C. Scorer-Harrison Gray Otis, B. A. A. Official handicapper-E. C. Carter, N. Y. A. C.
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