"Wyndham Towers," is the latest and undoubtedly the best work of Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Competent critics have declared it the best poem that America has produced for many years. The most striking characteristic of this work is the beauty of the diction, especially in the lines descriptive of the gradual decay of the old castle and of the break of day. The author never lacks for picturesque phrases. The tale is placed in the Elizabethan are and, as hinted in the preface, the method of the author is obviously influenced by his study of the poets and dramatists of that period. The poem is published in most attractive form, both printing and biading being very artistic.
["Wyndham Tewers," by Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Published by Houghton, Miffin and Co., The Riverside Press. Cambridge. Crown svo. 1890].
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