
Special Notices.

STUDENTS BOARD.- A few vacancies at 21 Trowbridge Street, between Harvard and Main. Table first class. 1086t

STUDENTS ROOMS.- A few good rooms can be had by applying at once to W. R. Ellis, 910 Main St. Quincy Sq.

TO LET.- Furnished and unfurnished rooms with use of Bath-room. Breakfast if desired. Law students preferred. 54 Garden street. 1083t

CLUB TABLE.- A club of six or more gentlemen can be accomodated with board at T. H. BREWER'S, 7 Brattle Sq, Cambridge. 1084t

ROOMS TO LET.- Large pleasant corner rooms with all modern conveniences. Three minutes walk from college grounds. Rent low. Open fire places.


Apply at 3 Harvard Row, Cambridge.

STUDENTS INSURANCE.- A minimum premium of $2 50 gives as much insurance against fire as the average student's room requires. For particulars inquire of W. R. Ellis, 910 Main Street, Quincy Square. 1081 w

MRS. E. L. METCALF has two very desirable suites of unfurnished rooms at 13 Bow St., near Beck Hall. Also at 18 Prescott St. one nicely furnished room. Hot and cold water, mantel bed. Plumbing in both rooms new and perfect. 18 Prescott St. 1081 w
