
Special Notices.

FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- Good right piano, at 3 Park street, Boston, room 17. 1091t

FOR SALE.- A good Brussels carpet, very slightly used. Apply to janitor of Felton. 1991 w

A club table can be accomodated at Mrs Morgan's 97 Mt. Auburn St. Also seats at a general table. 1t

WANTED.- A club table can be accomodated with board. Also seats at a general table. No. 5 Linden St. 1t

Three nicely furnished rooms to let with furnace heat and use of bath room. Club of eight can be accomodated with table board. Also seats at a general table. 6 Story St. 1t


The Somerville Dancing School Association commences its thirteenth season of dancing school under the instruction of N. E. Munroe of Boston, at Eberle Hall, Union Sq., Somerville, on Friday evening, October 4 at 8 o'clock, and continue for ten weeks, closing the same with a Grand Ball complimentary to the class on December 13. Students intending to join a first class school would do well to patronize this association. Terms moderate, patronage first-class. Circulars etc., 70 Anstin St. Cambridge. Come and judge for yourself the opening night. 1091 w
