
Special Notices.

UPRIGHT PIANO for sale at 30 Irving St. Cambridge. 1t

TO LET.- Four rooms, formerly occupied by Cambridge Social Union. Apply to I. P. ROBERTS, 15 Brattle St. room 7.

TO LET.- Furnished and unfurnished rooms with use of Bathroom. Breakfast if desired. Law students preferred. 54 Garden street. 1083t

CLUB TABLE.- A club of six or more gentlemen can be accomodated with board at T. H. BREWER'S, 7 Brattle Sq., Cambridge. 1084t

A club table can be accomodated at Mrs. Morgan's 97 Mt. Auburn St. Also seats at a general table.


STUDENTS BOARD.- A few vacancies at 21 Trowbridge Street, between Harvard and Main. Table first class. 1086t

The late President Barnard of Columbia has left Columbia almost all his property.

Potter '89 has accepted a position in the college library.
