
The Tennis Tournament.

The finals in the singles in the college tennis tournament were concluded yesterday afternoon. The last match which was between Tallant, '91, and Brooks, '91, was begun on Wednesday, but rain stopped it with the score 6-5, 6-3, 3-1 in favor of Tallant. The games finished yesterday make the final score 6-5, 6-3, 6-5 in Tallant's favor. The match between him and Brooks was well played but Tallant played the steadiest game from the outset. By this last victory Tallant wins first prize in the tournament. The college championship is still held by P. S. Sears who won it last fall. It is customary to have the winner in the spring tournament play the college champion an exhibition match. Accordinly the match was played yesterday afternoon, The games excited considerable interest in the college and there were a large number of spectators who applauded the frequent good plays. In the first game sears showed lack of practice, but after that he played remarkably well. He was in excellent form and beat Tallant by a score of 6-3, 6-3, 6-1. Some of the rallies were long and exciting, and each contestant made some remarkable volleys and returns. Tallant did steady work but was evidently outplayed by Sears.
