The examination in History 16, Comparative Religions, will be held in the Divinity library building instead of Sever 37.
The Glee Club dinner will take place on Saturday June 15, at Taft's. All those who intend going must sign the blue book at Leavitt's before Wednesday, June 12.
J. B. EMBICK, Sec.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The secretary will be at 14 Holworthy, Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11 from 12.30 to 1 p. m. to receive unpaid dues, and to furnish shingles to members who have not yet received them.
C. W. SPENCER, Sec.HARVARD INTERCOLLEGIATE CLUB.- Members can secure two copies each of the printed pamphlet at the Co-operative store. Addresses of persons and papers to whom copies are to be forwarded should be sent at once to F. K. Ball, 5 Divinity.
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