

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Photograph Monday, June 10, at 1.30 sharp, at Pach's.

Reserved seat tickets for the Yale-Harvard game, June 22d on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's, June 11th, at 9 a m.

PHILOSOPHY 4.- The books are now on the desk in Sever 17, with the marks for the year's work upon them.

There will be an important meeting of the Glee club in Roberts Hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. All the members are requested to be present.

J. B. EMBICK, Sec'y.NATURAL HISTORY 3.- Students who handed in their note-books can obtain them by calling at the Harvard Hall from 9 to 12 today, or between the same hours on Monday.


HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- The photograph will be taken next Wednesday, June 12, at 1.30 o'clock on the library steps. All past and present members are requested to be present.

H. H. DARLING. Secretary.CRICKET CLUB.- The following men will take the barge at Bartlett's, Monday at 12.50 to play Boston Athletic Association: Balch, Frost, Sullivan, Growninshield, J. P. Lee, T. G. Lee, Carpenter, Butters, Austrian, Hewes.

A. C. GARRETT, Capt.PIERIAN SODALITY.- The annual meeting of the society for the election of officers will be held at 13 Holyoke House, Monday evening, June 10, at 7.30. The photograph will be taken on the same day at 2 p m, at the back of Sever.

Diplomas will be granted to the members of the class of '85 and '86 of Phillips Exeter Academy. No charge with be made. The diplomas will be sent early in the summer. All who desire them will please send full name and home address to Frederick S. Duncan, 23 Felton Hall, before June 11.

Henry Willard Austin of Boston, will explain the methods and purposes of the Nationalist movement at 7.30 this evening, at 366 Harvard street. All interested are cordially invited to be present. Mr. Austin is a graduate of this college and a prominent leader in the nationalist movement.

