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We publish today a letter from a well-known graduate, who in his day did much for Harvard athletics, and is now deeply interested in their success. This is but one among several letters received by the CRIMSON from graduates, insisting on the same idea that lack of enthusiasm and support on the part of thecollege is the cause of our ill-success in athletics. We concur most heartily with the sentiment of this letter. There is a lack of whole-souled enthusiasm, a want of a determined spirit of winning on the part of the whole college that must well make the graduates of '83 and '84 feel ashamed for us. Discouragement is in the very air. Not among the teams, but on the part of the students, yet their apathy affects the athletic men, it can not help but do so. So long as the students of Harvard, as they have done this year, expect defeat and feel as if they had given up hoping for victory, we shall keep on being beaten. At the base ball games this spring the listless undergraduate spirit has been all too evident. We hope that this letter will be read by every student and that it will teach a needed lesson. Not only in the games to be played this year, but in the boat race can college enthusiasm work wonders. When we can see the whole college unitealy and determinedly working for victory, then, but not till then, can we expect victory.
