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The statement in regard to the university crew, published today, is of interest and importance. Its information about the work being done by the crew will be welcome to everyone and should call forth enthusiasm and increased support.

We urge immediate attention on the part of the students to the financial part of the statement, as something imperative. To spend two weeks at New London and leave the crew free from debt, four hundred dollars more must be had. The crew have so felt the necessity of ending the year without a debt that, as the statement explains, they have practiced the most rigid economy. The money spent has been for boats, a steam launch, and a rowing tank, which will be of permanent use to the Boat club in future years. No efforts have been spared to save unnecessary expense. The economy of the management and the good work of the crew should appeal very strongly to the students. Seven hundred dollars have been subscribed and not paid; if this is handed in, the crew will end the season with a surplus.

We do not see why it should be more than necessary to mention this. Surely the work of the crew and the careful management are matters of congratulation to all and we have no doubt that the needed money will be promptly paid. Those men who have pledged themselves are in duty bound to give the amount subscribed, and we urge its prompt payment.
