The Wel'esley Junior promenade takes place tonight.
Cups for the Hare and Hounds runs held last fall are being distributed.
Williams defeated Dartmouth last Wednesday by a score of 6 to 3.
The commencement exercises of the Boston University were held last Wednesday in Tremont Temple.
The Exonian according to its custom will issue an extra the night of the Andover game in case Exeter is victorious.
Seniors who took English 12 last year will find their themes at 18 Gray's. Themes not removed by class day will be destroyed.
An artist for Harper's Weekly took photographs of the Yale crew on Monday for an article on the Harvard and Yale crews which is soon to appear.
The faculty of the Oswego Summer School of Languages, the second session of which will be held this summer at Oswego, N. Y., during July and August, will include a number of men who have been, or are at present, connected with Harvard. The principals are Professor Cohn of the French department and Professor Lutz of Albion college, of Albion, Michigan, formerly instructor in German at Harvard. There will also be Dr. Harold N. Fowler, instructor in Latin at the Exeter Academy, formerly instructor of Greek at Harvard, for the Greek courses; Mr. James Geedes, instructor in Romance languages at Boston university and a member of the graduate department of Harvard, for the courses in Spanish and Italian; C. H. C. Wright, Harvard university, secretary, treasurer and member of the French department.
Sections in English D. Examinations today. Allison to Lathrop, Mass. 1; Latimer to Zinkeisen, Mass. 3.
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