
Board of Overseers.

The board of overseers met on Wednesday of this week and concurred with the president and fellows in appointing the following professors and instructors for 1889-90:

Appointing Professor Alexander Viets Griswold Allen, D. D., lecturer on ecclesiastical history for 1889-90.

Appointing the following instructors from September 1, 1889: Charles Hall Grandgent, A. B, in modern languages; Charles Pomeroy Parker, A. B. in Greek and Latin; Charles Gross, Ph. D. in history; John Elliot Wolff, A. B. in petrography.

Appointing the following instructors for 1889-90: Frederick Anderegg, A. B. in Mathematics; Joseph Lybrand Markley, A. M., in Mathematics; George Santayana, A. B., in philosophy; Adolph Caspar Miller, A. B., in political economy; Frank Bigelow Tarbell, Ph. D., in Greek; George Rice Carpenter, A. B., in English; William Goodrich Thompson, A. B. in forensics Frank Beverley Williams, A. B. in political economy; Harold Clarence Ernst, M. D., in philosophy.

Reappointing for 1889-90, Daniel Dennison Slade, M. D., lecturer on comparative osteology; Heman White Chapman. A. M. lecturer on criminal law; John Joseph Hayes, instructor in elocution; James Rismall Wheeler, Ph. D., instructor in Greek and Latin; Thaddeus William Harris, A. M., instructor in geology; John Cassan Wait C. E. S. M., instructor in surveying and drawing; George Howard Parker, S. B., instructor in, zoology; William Schofield, A. M., LL B., instructor in Roman Law, and in torts; Theodore Willis Fisher, M. D., Lecturer.


In addition to these, several appointments in the Medical school were ratified. The board also passed the following resolutions:

Voted, That the overseers recommend that the quinquennial catalogue be printed all in English, except the initial sof the degrees.

Voted, That a committee of three be appointed by the chair to consider what changes in the academic department and in its relations to the professional schools are desirable, with a view to increasing the efficiency of the university organizations.
