
The Andover-Exeter Base-Ball Game.

The annual base ball contest between the two greatest preparatory schools of New England, Phillips Academy, Andover, and Phillips Exeter Academy, will occur next Saturday. It impossible to predict the result of the game. The nines of both schools have undergone many changes since the beginning of the season, and neither are playing so good a game as the nines of these schools have played in recent years. Andover is handicapped by the inability of Stearns to pitch. If he were in his last year's form there would be little question of the result of the game but without him in the box the work of the team is exceedingly erratic. The nine is at present made up as follows: Dickerman, cf.; Upton, p.; Stearns, lf.; Owsley, ss.; McCormick, rf.; Cheney, 2b.; Leland c.; Brown, 3b.; Pond, 1b. White, who played second base for Andover last year has made a change of base, and will pitch for Exeter next Saturday. Exeter's team is batting heavily but fielding poorly. In this last respect however, it is no worse than Andever's nine. The make-up of the team next Saturday will probably be as follows: White, p.; Trafford, c.; Heffelfinger, 1b; Flagg, 2b., Sawyer, 3b.; Soule, ss., Saunders lf.; Smith, cf.; Day rf.
