

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The annual meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year will be held in Roberts hall, Thursday afternoon, June 6, at 2 o'clock. Other business of importance will also come before the club. Regular members are requested to attend.

W. F. GAY, Sec'y.All holders of keys to the library of the French department in Sever 21 will please hand them in on the day of their last French examination to the instructor who will then refund their deposit.

FOUND.- In Dwight hall, Yale college, an embroidered silk handkerchief. Address "C. G. V., " 104 Wall street, New Haven, Ct.

The Deutscher Verein will be photographed on Friday, at 1.30 p. m., on steps of Sever.

FOUND.- In the cellar of Thayer, a silk umbrella. Address 23 Thayer.


'VARSITY CLUB PHOTOGRAPH will be taken today at 1.30 behind Sever. Everyone must be there in order to make a good picture. Men requested to come in uniform.

R. H. DAVIS, Sec'y.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Photograph back of Sever, Wednesday, June at 2,15 p. m. Team picture at Pach's immediately afterwards.

Will all students who Intend to go to California this summer, please meet at 4 Stoughton, Wednesday evening, at 7.30.

The Phi Beta Kappa photograph will be taken on Thursday, June 6, at Pach's studio.

MAX WINKLER, Secretary.
