HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Photograph back of Sever, Wednesday, June 5, at 2.15 p. m. Team picture at Pach's immediately afterwards.
Will all students who Intend to go to California this summer, please meet at 4 Stoughton, Wednesday evening, at 7.30.
The Phi Beta Kappa photograp will be taken on Thursday, June 6, at Pach's studio.
MAX WINKLER, Secretary.FRENCH I. June 4-Sections A and B under Mr. Sanderson, in Sever 37; sections C and D under Mr. Sumichrast in Sever 35; Section E under Mr. Damon, in Sever 30.
HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The annual meeting for the election of officers will be held Tuesday, June 4, at 7.30 o'clock in Holworthy 14.
E. A. DALIING, Sec.The last meeting of the Exeter Club this year will be held in the D. U. rooms, Tuesday, June 4, at 7.30. Election of officers for the coming year, and other important business.
F. S. DUNCAN.HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Photograph Monday, June 10 at 1.30 p. m. Annual election meeting Wednesday, June 5, at 8 p. m. After the meeting the club will play in the yard.
G. L. OSGOOD, Secretary.The Senior class will be photographed at the back of Memorial on Tuesday, June 4 at 1.30.
PHOTO COM.The Freshmen will be photographed immediately after the Seniors.
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