
Meeting of Nationalists.

In response to the call issued in yesterday morning's CRIMSON for a meeting of all those interested in nationalism or any socialistic theory, nearly twenty men came together last night to discuss the formation of a nationalist club at Harvard. The nationalistic movement is a branch of socialism and its realization would be identical with or closely allied to the state of society described by Mr. Bellamy in his book, "Looking Backward." Clubs for the forstering and propagation of ideas of this nature are aheady in existence in many places, the Boston Nationalist club having among its members many men, known as powerful and great thinkers. As it is so late in the season no attempt at forming the club will be made this year, but next fall it is hoped that a club will be formed after the plan of these Nationalist clubs, and that it may possibly become a branch of the club in Boston. All present seemed, judging from their remarks, to be very much interested in the movement, all appearing to feel that some form of socialism was sure to take the place of the existing state of affairs, and that it only remained to investigate the matter and find out which form was best, and then to go ahead and help on the movement. One meeting will be held before the end of the year which will be addressed by some man prominent in the field, of which notice will be given in the CRIMSON, but next year the matter will be pushed to put the club on a firm basis, so that it will begin its good work.
