

FOUND.- On Harvard square, a small pocket book. Apply at Leavitt and Peirces.

The owners of the bicycles standing in the front hall of the Gymnsium must take them away before Class Day.

HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The annual "Strawberry Night entertainment will be glven on Thursday evening, June 20, at 8 p. m.

FOR SALE in the autumn: two very good saddle horses, three-quarters bred. Go well in harness. Can be seen now. Address, W. B. N., care Leavitt and Peirce.

TO LET.- Two pleasant double rooms (with board) within five minutes walk of college yard. May be occupied Thursday afternoon. Apply at Leavitt and Peirce's.


LOST.- Probably between Harvard sq. and head of Sparks street, Friday afternoon, a calf-skin wallet containing considerable sum of money, part of silver clasp and papers. Finder will be well rewarded on returning to 64 Sparks St.

HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB.- Shingles are now ready. They can be obtained from the secretary Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning, between 10 and 12.30.

L. K. PEROT, Sec., 5 Felton Hall.The '89 commencement dinner will be held at the Brunswick, on Monday evening, June 24, at 7.30. All members of the class of '89, regular and special are invited to attend. The committee wish to know about how many will attend, and have placed a book at Bartletts, which every member who intends to go will please sign.

F. E. PARKER, Class CommitteeH. H. DARLING, Class CommitteeJ. G. KING, Class Committee
