
Commencement at Princeton.

Yesterday the closing exercises of Commencement week were held at Princeton. The exercises began on Saturday last, with the reading of theses by the members of the Green School of Science. In the afternoon the annual Caledonian games of the Athletic Association took place and in the evening the Glee club concert was held. Sunday morning President Patton preached the baccalaureate sermon in Marquand Chapel, and in the afternoon the Philadelphian society held its annual meeting. Monday, June 17, was Class Day, and in the evening the Junior orations were delivered in the First Church. On Tuesday the annual meeting of the literary societies took place. The alumni dinner was held in the afternoon of the same day. Gov. Green presided. The first speaker introduced was Dr. McCosh, who, against the advice of his physician, had come out with the express purpose of again greeting his old pupils. When the doctor was called upon the three hundred alumni rose to their feet and cheered vigorously. After the dinner the mura statue of Dr. McCosh, in bronze, the gift of the class of '79, was unveiled in Marquand Chapel. Rev. A. W. Halsey made the presentation address on behalf of the class, and Dr. Patton received the gift for the college. A reception was given the alumni and friends of the college by President and Mrs. Patton at their house. The Lynde debate was held in the First Presbyterian Church in the evening. The sophomore reception was held in the University Hall after the debate.
