CRICKET CLUB.- Tickets for the Haverford game, 25 cents each, will be on sale today and tomorrow at Thurston's.
T. W. BALCH.Seniors are reminded that blue books for English D must be left at M. 40 before June 4th.
LOST.- On Jarvis or Holmes field, a gold watch chain. Finder please leave it at Foster's cigar store.
Members of H. F. C. may obtain shingles 48 Brattle St. on Monday from 8 to 9.
S. DEXTER, Sec.Tickets for the Yale game on Saturday June 8 will be put on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's next Monday morning at 9.
LOST.- Ladies mackintosh on Holmes Field Thursday. Finder please leave at Leavitt and Peirces.
Blue Books for finals not left in Sever 20 by Monday at 4 p, m. will not be accepted.
R. SANDERON.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- The annual meeting for the election of officers will be held Tuesday, June 4, at 7.30 o'clock in Holworthy 14.
E. A. DALLING, Sec.The last meeting of the Exeter Club this year will be held in the D. U. rooms, Tuesday, June 4, at 6.30. Election of officers for the coming year, and other important business.
F. S. DUNCAN.The Senior class will be photographed at the back of Memorial on Tuesday, June 4 at 1.30.
PHOTO COM.The Freshmen will be photographed immediately after the Seniors.
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