
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale Glee club will sing at Wellesley on June 8.

Last year twenty-two new. college Y. M. C. associations were founded.

Mr. Justin Winsor has recently been elected a trustee of the Pilgrim Society.

The annual meeting of the 'Varsity Glee club will be held on Thursday afternoon.

Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, a few days ago, watched the crew's rowing from the Yale lauch-Yale News.


The Observatory will be open to members of the senior class on the evenings of June 3, 4 and 5 from 8 until 10 p. m.

Examination for second year honors in Mathematics will be held in Sever 37, at 9.30 o'clock on Monday, June 17.

The Senior class at Smith College will give two performances of the Electra of Sophocles on June 11 and 12.

Outing for June contains an article on "Yacht voyages to Australia," by Mr. Sumichrast of the French department.

The make-up examination in English A for those excused from the mid year examinations will be held at 9.30 in Mass 1, on Friday, June 7.

Professor N. S. Shaler was chosen one of the vice presidents of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Good Citizenship at its meeting Monday, and Professor John Fiske a member of the committee on courses of study.

The library of the Annex has received some two hundred volumes of French and German books, during the past week, from an unknown giver. Many of the books are by standard authors, and most of them are complete sets of value.

Freshman divisions for the examination in English A will be as follows: Adams to Copeland, Dane Hall; Corbin to Ganson, Harvard 5; Gerodette to Ingals, Harvard 6; Ingersol to Orcutt, Lawrence 1; Page to Rhoades, Sever 24; Riddle to Smith, U. 17; Sach to Young, U. E. R.

In a concert of American compositions to be held this summer, at the Paris exhibition, two selections by Prosessor Paine wlil be played: the prologue to the "CEdipus King" and the "Island Fantasy," the latter under the name of "Au Bord de Flots."
