
The Bicycle Club.

The Bicycle Club will hold a meeting this evening to consider a protest by Mr. Rodemann against the award of the prizes which were contested for in the road race held by the club at Chestnut Hill reservoir last Saturday afternoon. It is claimed by the protester that it was understood that prizes should be awarded to each of the first four men to come in, and that under this agreement he, as fourth man, is entitled to a prize. On the other hand, the majority of those who rode in the race understood that only three prizes were to be offered. The club is at present much agitated over the apparently negligent manner in which the bicycle members of the Mott Haven team were treated at New York. Both Davis and Bailey were told to ride the Mott Haven race with the assurance that no objection could possibly be made to their riding safeties against ordinaries, but within two weeks both of them were disqualified by the L. A. W. for two months. This will keep them from taking part in all of the summer races, a fact which is a great disappointment to them both.
