
Glee Club at Music Hall.

The Glee club has been invited to assist at the concert this evening at Music Hall. The programme is as follows:

1. Overture, "Ruler of Spirits" Weber.

2. Waltz, "Jubel." (New) Strauss.

3. Songs:

a. Schneider's Band.


b. Drill Tarriers.

c. Boating Song.

4. Overture, "Flying Dutchman" Wagner

5. Songs:

a. Courtship.

b. Three Glasses.

6. Grand Polanaise in E Liszt

7. Songs: Estudiantina Waltzes Lacome

8. Overture, "Zampa" Herold

9. Songs:

a. Man in the Moon.

b. Imogene Donabue.

c. Drinking Medley.

d. Fair Harvard.

10. Waltz, "Schatz" Strauss

11. Galop, "Shooting Star" Bial
