
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

All who desire to have their old books entered for the October sales should procure blanks, fill them out, and leave them in the office at once. The books will be collected by the Society. Second hand books are much in demand by incoming students who need to economize, and if the books are left with the Society the purchasers pay less than is charged elsewhere, while the owners get more for them than by selling the books in June to dealers.

Packing cases for sale at low prices.

In stock in the men's furnishings department:

A good assortment of silver link sleeve buttons, scarf pins and dress jewelry.

Tennis pants.


Flannel shirts, good quality, $1.45.

Tennis balls.

Tennis rackets.

Base balls, bats, catcher's gloves, masks and protectors.

Tennis shoes. The following is a list of the kinds and colors:

Orange calf,

Tan calf balmorals,

White buck,

Copper buck,

Brown buck,

Brown canvas.
