The Summer School of Physical training for men and women which was held last summer in Hemenway Gymnasium, under Dr. Sargent, will again be opened for five weeks, beginning July 1st. The course will be essentially the same as last year though several new features will be added. A preliminary reading course will be prescribed for those signifying their intention to join the school. The course, though especially intended for teachers of gymnastics is, nevertheless, open to all who desire to undertake it. The work will be both theoretical and practical the former comprising lectures recitations and practical talks, while the practical work will be made as hard as possible, including both indoor and outdoor athletics. Drs. Sargent, Bradford, Dennett and Ingraham will conduct the theoretical work while the exercises will be given under the direction of Dr. Sargent, with M. Eberhard, Prof. McDaniel, Mr. Cornish, Miss E. G. Durgin and several others as assistants. A general certificate indicating the manner in which his or her work is performed will be given to each student attending the full course. Special certificates will be given those passing examinations at the end of the course.
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