The programme for commencement week at Yale is as follows:
Friday, June 21-11 a. m., presentation exercises of the graduating class of college, with the class oration and poem, in Battell Chapel; Yale-University of Pennsylvania race at New London.
July- 2-10 a. m. speaking for the DeForest prize cedal in Battell Chapel Harvard vs. Yale ball game at Cambridge.
June 23-10 a. m. baccalaureate sermon, by the President, in Batter Chapel.
June 24-2 p. m., reading of the class histories on the campus, followed by planting of the class ivy. 8 p. m., anniversary exercises of the Sheffield scientific school in North Sheffield Hall. 9 p. m., senior promenade in Alumni Hall.
June 25-9.30 a. m., meeting of the alumni in Alumni Hall. 3 p. m. anniversary exercises of the law school with address of the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, LLD., of New York city, and Townsend prize speaking in the Centre Church; Harvard vs. Yale ball game at Yale field; meetings will also be held at different hours on Tuesday of members of the college classes 1834, '39 '49, '59, '64, '69, '74, 79, '83 and '86; Glee Club concert at the Hyperion.
June 26-9 a. m., commencement exercises in Centre Church. 2 p. m. alumni dinner in Alumni Hall. 8-11 p. m., reception by the president in the art school.
June 27-9 a. m., entrance examinations begin.
June 28-Harvard-Yale race at New London.
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