
Course in Workshop Training.

A course in workshop training, especially adapted for students in Electrical Engineering, will be given in the Rindge Manual Training School during the year 1889-90.

The course will extend over a year and will consist of three exercises, each of two hours, in the afternoons of each week, and will comprise Carpentering, Wood Turing, Pattern Making, Blacksmithing, and Machine Shop practice.

The course is required of students in Electrical Engineering. Students in other courses of the Scientific School and other departments of the University may be admitted to the instruction in the course.

The number of students is limited to ten. Of those who attend voluntarily, and for whom the course does not count towards fulfilling the requirements for a degree, preference will be given to students in Civil Engineering and Physics.

Application must be made to the Secretary of the University on or before June 20.


The fee for this course will be $15.
