

Important meeting and rehearsal of Glee club at 2 p. m. All must be present. Barge leaves for Tafts at 4 p. m.

H. F. LOCKWOOD.The date of the freshman crew race is the 26th and not the 21st.

C. H. HYAMS, JR., Man'g '92 Crew.LOST.- Probably between Harvard sq. and head of Sparks street, Friday afternoon, a calf-skin wallet containing considerable sum of money, part of silver clasp and papers. Finder will be well rewarded on returning to 64 Sparks St.

The Exeter-Andover game will be played at Exeter at 3 p. m. today. Train leaves Boston and Maine station in Haymarket square at 1 p. m.; car leaves Harvard square at 12.10. The "Aggregation game will be played at 1.30 p. m., on Monday. Train returning reaches Boston at 8 p. m.

'VARSITY CLUB PHOTOGRAPH.- Was postponed, as enough men did not turn up. It will be taken Wednesday, June 19, at 1.30 p. m.


HARVARD INTERCOLLEGIATE CLUB.- Members can secure two copies each of the printed pamphlet at the Co-operative store. Addresses of persons and papers to whom copies are to be forwarded should be sent at once to F. K. Ball, 5 Divinity.

Diplomas will be granted to the members of the class of '85 and '86 of Phillips Exeter Academy. No charge will be made. The diplomas will be sent early in the summer. All who desire them will please send full name and home address to Frederick S. Duncan, 23 Felton Hall, before June 11.
