

N. H. 5 and 6.- The laboratory books etc., can be had at the Agassiz Museum between 9 and 10 today.

G. H. PARKER.The following men will please be at my room at 1.45 p. m., today: Bell, Spalding, Carpenter, Wrenn, Brown, Curtis, Cummin Neff, Allen.

A. M. GRISWOLD, 37 Brattle St.All those men who have not obtained their Institute shingles may get them between the hours of 10 and 11 today.

S. V. R. CROSBY, 59 Brattle St.Tickets for the all New England cricket match against Longwood on June 17th, for Chamber's benefit may be had at Leavitt and Pierces. Price 25 cents.

L. SULLIVAN.LOST.- A few days ago, probably on Jarvis, a large red leather pocket book containing a few old U. S. stamps and some papers of value only to the owner. Will the finder kindly leave the same at 8 Hollis, or send word to that address where the pocket book may be obtained.


Tutoring in Physics A. Call between 1 and 3 p. m.

L. K. MORSE, 8 Divinity Hall.A copy of Dr. Freeman Snow's "Guide to the Study of the Constitutional and Political History of the United States" wanted by

