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Negotiations are still pending in regard to the postponement of the Yale game; nothing has been definitely decided as to the date. Captain Willard is in communication with the Yale management, and the matter will be arranged at any rate within the next few days.

It is to be hoped that it will be decided to play the game before Class Day. So many of the undergraduates leave Cambridge at that time that their absence will be severely felt in the support which the team will receive at the game. Then, too, it is only reasonable for the college to demand that one of the Yale games should be played before next Friday. Only two championship games have been played here the whole season, and although the postponement of Saturday's game was unavoidable, it is but natural for the men in college to demand that one of the remaining games should be played before the term ends.

We would urge the management of both colleges to take every means to decide speedily the date of the game. It is a matter of considerable importance to a large majority of the men in Cambridge as well as New Haven.
