
Roster for Athletic Training.

A small pamphlet entitled Roster for Athletic Training, by Dr. Shell of Swarthmore College, Philadelphia, has just been published. The object of the author was to introduce some systematic way of training for those who are without a regular trainer, since as the article says there are so many enthusiastic athletes who, without the services of a trainer, have no correct idea of the proper training dis ances, and who, accordingly, cause much injury to themselves by overstraining. The author states that exceptions may be made in individual cases to the rules set down, but in the majority of cases they should be held to strictly. The idea is to keep the athlete from doing his best until the fifth week of training when he is expected to be in condition for the utmost exertion without injuring himself. The system of the amount of work to be done in each of the first five weeks is carefully laid down, and, if literally held to, cannot fail to keep the athlete in robust health, and ready to do his best on the day of competition without fear of over exerting himself.
