The constitution adopted by the freshman class at their mass meeting has been sent to Yale '92. The articles are as follows:
For the simplification and better conduct of Harvard-Yale freshman games, the following rules for their better conduct are hereby offered for the consideration and action of Yale '92, by Harvard '92.
I. Hereafter, neither party shall play on a freshman team, (a) any member of a professional school, no matter what his time of residence at the university; (b) any dropped man although regularly enrolled as a member of the freshman class; (c) nor any first-year man catalogued as an upperclassman; (d) no man who has previously played on a freshman team; (e) nor any one enrolled and catalogued in any other manner except as a regular academic freshman: except
II. (a) First year students in the Sheffield Scientific school of Yale university and (b) First year special students in the Academic department and first year students in the Lawrence Scientific school of Harvard university.
III. All participants in the freshman contestants shall be deemed eligible if properly catalogued: (a) but if their names do not appear in their college catalogue, certificates in writing from the Dean of the faculty of their respective colleges that they comply with the requirements of Rules I and II will be accepted as final proof of their lawful standing.
IV. Each captain shall notify the other a week before the playing of any game of the men, including substitutes to any number, whom be intends to play, in order that protests as to their eligibility may be as far as possible settled beforehand.
V. The captains of the two university teams-either football or baseball, as the case may be-together with a third person to be by them selected, shall be the final judges of all protests: and may, in their discretion, declare a game forfeited or to be re-played in case of violation or misunderstanding of the rules.
VI. The freshman contests in both base-ball and football shall be played for a pennant, to be paid for half by each freshman association.
VII. The contest in football shall be one championship game to be played alternately at Cambridge or New Haven following the order of alternation in the present series.
VIII. The contest in base-ball shall be the best two out of three games, one to be played at Cambridge, one at New Haven and a third, if necessary, in either Cambridge or New Haven to be decided by toss by the captains at the end of the second game.
1. The dates and places of the baseball game shall be arranged by the managers by correspondence.
2. Failure or refusal to play games arranged or failure to arrange names may be subject for portests under the above rules: a game so forfeited going like a game won towards the winning of the pennant.
IX. All existing agreements regarding gate money, etc., shall be unchanged. All disputes concerning umpires, etc., shall be decided by the university captain of the home team.
X. These rules if adopted by Yale, '92, shall be considered binding upon the class of Harvard '92, and are expected to be annually re-enacted, with such amendments as may be hereafter found necessary. After they have been in force three years (beginning with the class of 1893, they will be held to definitely bind future freshman classes). They may be amended at any time by common consent of Yale and Harvard.
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