The current number of the Advocate appeared yesterday. The editorial department is devoted to a discussion of freshman athletics, in which nothing new on the subject is developed. It would certainly seem that some other subject could be more profitably treated. The unfortunate freshman ball game at New Haven has already been thoroughly discussed, and it is hard to understand what is to be gained by a mere rehearsal of the very uninteresting story again. We should think that the college would want to forget the whole unfortunate affair as soon as possible. And as for the alleged apathy of the class in supporting its crew, it would seem that this lack of support is the result of ignorance of the financial condition of the management rather than of any niggardly disposition on the part of the class, for certainly Ninety-two has supported her other athletic teams in a manner with which fault cannot be found.
"An Afternoon Tea," is the most senseless effusion that has appeared in the Advocate for a long time. It is of little literary merit.
The second article is a rather rambling piece of description, which, however, is enlivened by some really good touches.
The only story in the number, "Winona's Wooing," is not without merit, but it is so long that it is very tiresome. The first part, Corporal Tubb's Soliloquy, is the best thing in the whole story.
The daily themes published are, with one or two exceptions, uninteresting. "An English V. Man's Journal" is amusing, but would be more appropriate in the Lampoon. There is no verse in this number, and the usual book reviews are omitted. The customary Brief concludes the issue.
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