The freshman class to the number of about sixty responded to the call for a mass meeting last evening in Massachusetts Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Rantoul who stated that its object was to consider a constitution to govern Harvard-Yale freshman athletics. Mr. L. McKim Garrison, L. S., in behalf of several graduates presented the constitution. He called attention to the present unsatisfactory state of athletic contests, the constant disputes about membership of teams and the frequent indefiniteness of the results. These difficulties, he said, the constitution was intended to obviate. The freshmen then proceeded to consider the constitution by clauses, and with a few verbal changes adopted it. After this business had been transacted Mr. Garrison addressed the meeting on general athletics and made a spirited appeal to the class for more college loyalty and earnestness during their later years. Mr. S. E. Carpenter, L. S. followed with an appeal for better support of the crew. Both speakers were enthusiastically received. After three cheers for Mr. Garrison and for Harvard the meeting adjourned.
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A Statement by the Regent.