

[All members of the University are invited to contribute to this column, but the CRIMON does not hold itself responsible for any sentiments exppessed]

Editors Daily Crimson:

Dear Sirs:-Cannot something be done to protect us from the wild hordes of the mucker tribe which invade the yard at all seasons of the day and night? The position of a student trying to grind in Holworthy, Stoughton or Hollis is a very trying one. Notwithstanding the fact that a cross-eyed copper drove a handful of us from the Common last year, because that was for the people and we had grounds of our own-a good half of Cambridge's male population-or perhaps a bad half-make the college yard the place for the daily exercise of their powers of locomotion and speech. Is there no other grass in the city? or no other pump? If we could stop this invasion for a week or so the habit would be weakened, and we should all get better marks in our examinations,

After killing not less than seven and mangling as many more, I cannot see any visible decrease in the number of our tormentors. I dreamed of them last night.

I propose two methods of protection of our rights. 1. If one in every twenty men in college would give a cent we could win one of the blue gentry who watch the ball games. The only difficulty is that the tormenters may be their own sons and heirs. 2. Renew the student-police which was in force about two years ago. I am ready to form one of twenty-five, to stand in the yard an hour with a bat and whang every mucker who dares to visit the yard.

The subject is worthy a rousing consideration. If the CRIMSON doesn't see fit to publish this appeal in full or mutilated, give us at least a violent editorial.


