Tutoring in Physics B and C, Latin and Greek.
M. L. BRUUER, 35 Weld.98-6t
German A.- Tutoring. Address
D. C. TORREY, 10 Stoughton Hall.98-6t
WANTED.- A set of printed notes in Chemistry 1. Will pay a good price.
A. D. HILL, 60 Brattle Street.Tutoring in Freshman Physics. I shall also give two seminars on the course, one June 15th at 7.30 p m; the other June 16th, at 7 p m.
PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.History I. Seminar. For particulars send name and address, before 10 a. m., June 10, to EMIL CHARLES PFEIFFER, 22 College House.
Second-hand College Text-Books and Law Books bought or exchanged. Notify me and I will send and get them and pay you cash for them.
CHARLES W. SEVER.Tutoring in Mathematics E, Physics B, Physics C, and Chemistry B.
G. D. BUSSEY. 10 College House.91-6t
Tutoring in Mathematics and French.
PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.90-6t
LEVY pays the highest cash price for gents cast off clothing. Orders box at S. F. Miles, tailor, Lyceum Hall, Cambridge. Store 27 Green St. Boston.
Tutoring in German, French, Greek, and Latin courses. German A especially, by G. RODEMANN, M. A., 5 Linden Street.
William C. Lawton, 28 Mellan St., (H. G. '73) will tutor this month in Greek and German, and also for the entrance examinations. 92, 6teod.
History 13 and 17. Tutoring. Address
EDW. C. MASON, Harvard Law School.81-6t
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Final Examinations.