We are very glad to commend the effort now making for a concert by the Varsity Glee and Banjo clubs at New London on the eve of the intercollegiate race. Although the arrangements have not been perfected, it is highly probable that the concert will be given. New London will of course have many Harvard supporters on the evening of the 27th, and there can surely be no more pleasant and inspiring a preliminary to the contest than a Glee club concert. For many reasons the importance of the intercollegiate race cannot be overestimated. Without disrespect to college athletics in general, perhaps no branch of athletics has fewer objectionable features than rowing. It calls forth at once the manliness and the physical endurance of each contestant and offers little or no incentive to sharp dealing. In this, then, the crowning event of our college athletic year, nothing that will further good feeling and loyal college spirit should be omitted; and surely a glee club concert on the coming occasion would at once bind Yale and Harvard men together, and fill the air with genuine loyal enthusiasm for old Harvard.
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