Briefs in English C will not be accepted after today.
There will be a regular meeting of the CRIMSON board today.
The Yale Glee club sang at Wellesley last Saturday night.
The members of last year's Yale University crew received their trophies recently.
The examination paper in English A contained as a specimen of English, a clipping from the CRIMSON.
Harrison will represent Exeter, and Day, Andover, in the tennis championship on Wednesday June 1.
The one hundred and twenty first commencement of Brown University will be held on Wednesday, June 19.
Among the selections sung by the choir at the chapel service last evening were the "Cor Mundum" and the "Libera Me" from the "Miserere" by F. Boot of the class of '31.
The Andover-Exeter base ball game was postponed Saturday on account of rain. The game will probably be played at Exeter on Wednesday. The interscholastic games and the tennis tournament between the two schools occur on Wednesday also.
The Class Day Tribune will contain about fifty illustrations, including a large reproduction of the historic copper plate of Harvard in 1774, engraved by Paul Revere, together with the complete programme of the day, a list of spreads, words and music of the class song, a historic sketch of the university and views of the buildings.
The following are the candidates for overseers, five of whom will be elected at the next monthly meeting: Andrew P. Peabody, of the class of 1826; Roger Wolcott, '70; Leverett Saltonstall, '44. George B. Shattuck, '63; Edmund Wetmore, '60; Fransic L. Higginson, '63; Lewis 8. Dabney, '61; Eliot C. Clark, '67; Robert Bacon, '80; Winslow Warren, '58.
The young women of New York do not seem to be possessed with an over powering yearning for a higher education than is afforded by public schools and seminaries. At the opening of the Columbia College annex the other day, when all the candidates were requested to present themselves, only three young women appeared.
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