The Berkeley Athletic club will hold its first annual spring meeting at the Berkeley Oval, on June 8. The management has taken great trouble to make the programme as attractive as possible. and the games will certainly be a great success. The events open to amateurs are as follows: 100, 200, 440, and 880 yards dashes, 2 mile bicycle, one quarter mile bicycle race in heats, running high jump, putting 16 pound shot. All of the events except the quarter mile bicycle race are handicapped. Besides the open events the following invitation events, all of which are scratch, are offered by the management: 125, 220, 880 yard dashes, and one mile run. A large number of college athletes have been invited to participate in these events; among them are Downs and Lee of Harvard Sherrill, Harmar and Robinson of Yale; and Dohm of Princeton. The entrance fee for each open event is fifty cents. Entries close June 1, with George W. Dickerman, 19 West 44th street, New York city.
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