
Fact and Rumor.

The marks in Mathematics E will be out in about two weeks.

There is no college daily published in Europe.

Harmar, '90, has been chosen captain of Yale's athletic team for the ensuing year.

T. W. Lamont '92, has been appointed assistant business manager of the Monhly.

Entrance examinations for Yale begin on June 27.


The Glee and Banjo clubs gave a concert at the Social Union, Cambridge last evening.

The CRIMSON will post the final score of today's freshman game at Leavitt's and Pierces.

Bob Cook has been at New Haven for the past few days, coaching, the Yale 'varsity crew.

A German university has conferred the title of Doctor of Divinity on Prince Bismarck.

Cornell is making an effort to organize a football league with Lehigh and Lafayette for next year.

Michigan University has now more students than any other American institution of learning.- Princetonian.

In the athletic games on Holme field last Thursday, W. C. Downes ran an exhibition quarter mile in 51 2-5 seconds.

Yale and Harvard are tied for the number of first places in tennis. Yale has been second three times, Harvard once.- Yale News.

Davis and Bailey have been disqualified by the L. A. W. until August 1 for riding safety bicycles against ordinaries in a race at the intercollegiate games.

During the summer, Princeton is to send out a scientific expedition, on a ship furnished by the United States government, to investigate the current between the gulf stream and New England,

Professor Chaplin has recently returned from his western trip. His health has improved greatly and he expects to be able to take charge of his courses at the beginning of next year.

A small volume containing the poems that have been published in Yale periodicals during the last few years, has been gotten out by S. N. Pond, Yale '89, under the title of "Yale Lyrics."

B. F. Harding, '78, former professor of Greek at St. Paul's school, is about to establish a large boy's school at Belmont, where he has recently purchased a large estate. The school will open in September.
